Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Anger Management

Anger is a negative emotion. It is as dangerous as the poison. If the poison taken directly, it stops the life but if it is used as medicine it activates the life. So It needs to be managed. There are some techniques in Yoga which helps in anger management.

Pranayama is the fourth part of the eight-fold Yoga described in the Yogasutra of Patanjali. The credit for making the practice of pranayama popular as a discipline in its own right and as a means for maintaining the health of the body and mind goes to the followers of HathaYoga. They gave it a place of great importance among the practices of HathaYoga, and it was they who described various techniques of pranayama, emphasizing the utility of each of them.

Shitali pranayama is one such technique to be practiced into very stressful situation to manage the stress. There are instructions to practice them comfortably.

Adopt any comfortable meditative posture simply cross legged, Padmāsana or Sidhāsana with spine erect. Relax the body and close the eyes. Observe the natural breath. In the meditative pose slowly fold the tongue like a tiny pipe and the beak of crow. Inhale with this pipe and exhale with nostrils.

Feel the coolness in the buccal cavity. Observe the cooling effect on body and mind both. this practice not only reduces the blood pressure immediately but it releases the anxiety from your mind also. Practice it to realize the fact....

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